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Thread: Does IPIU receive a fee to refer jobs to it's union members?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Does IPIU receive a fee to refer jobs to it's union members?

    There must be some silly Yankees in America that think IPIU gets a payment for referring free jobs, assignments, cases, and employment to thousands of agencies, employers, and law firms.

    It would be "nice" to receive a few coppers from the FBI, CIA, lawyers, licensed PI's, and others. But no such blarney-stone fortune is for the union.

    Here's a copy of the hilarious immature communication that was passed around the world in the last 24 hours to IPIU administrators:

    COPY of Silly Email:

    "Enough. I have no interest in paying you for jobs you provide to learn to become a PI.

    "Although I have an interst in becoming a PI, I have no intention of paying you a fee to work a job that you provide. We both know that you recieve a fee to fill these jobs. ID card, booklet, yada yada yada, there is no way it costs close to a hundred dollars to produce, store and ship this stuff.


    While it is true that a new "Referral Program" is under development for private investigators to pass along a primary case to another private investigator for 10-15% of the retainer, this practice has been around for centuries when attorneys referred a case to another attorney through the Lawyer's Referral Bureau. The 10-15% typically pays for the non-profit office to serve clients who need a referral. But the client does not pay. It is the attorney who pays.

    As for the new referral program for PI-to-PI, it is between them alone. And 50% of the 10-15% referral amount goes to the Department of Education Welfare Division of their PI union! (Remember the hurricane relief that IPIU did last year for private investigators and their families!)

    Anyway, the author of this lost soul who took the time to write us may also read your replies to this public topic. So feel free to chime in and help this hapless chap from across the pond who claims to be an American names "George". (Or maybe he is a distant relative of our past King George who was run off the throne).

    PS: If you are looking in, George, click on the following link which describes in more detail what a $99 annual union dues plan gets members:

    And here's the final advice for you:

    Whatever professional career you choose, whether it be that of an accountant, lawyer, carpenter, teacher, or garbage collector - we strongly suggest you to join their national trade association to keep current on laws, benefits, advanced training, supporting political agendas, licensing, tools of the trade, networking, magazines, and other worthwhile causes that will help further and retain the profession of your chosen occupation. Without your support, there would be no trade association to protect idiots from making themselves look foolish in the eyes of their customers.

    Technical Support

  2. #2
    John G - is offline Retired Forum Moderator

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    Tech, remind me never to get in the doghouse with you.

    George, IPIU is not just a job bank, nor is it just something you "pay for" getting jobs with. IPIU is an investment and sometimes you get more than money from an investment.

    I have an association of brothers and sisters who want more than just to become a PI, but to be the very best you can be, whether it is a hobby job of being a PI, or whether you want this job to be your bread and butter job.

    Remember, George, it's what you make of it that this works.

    Enjoy your day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I don't even think this e-mail even dignifies a reply from IPIU, but since you took the time out to reply so will I.

    1. I have learned more from this website then all the research on the internet and the home study courses.

    2. There is way more then just assignments available from this union.

    3. Even IF they did receive a fee, so what? IPIU does all the legwork to get all of this information and the assignments for us. The administraors answered a very long post for me to clarify some questions I had. (That is deeply appreciated by the way Cynthia).

    4. I have made new friends here that will last a lifetime.

    5. It really upsets me that someone with that attitude wants to be an "investigator". It is not very professional and he should be ashamed for acting like a child. He could have asked and waited for a response instead of just assuming. I have better use of my time then to send e-mails like that.

    6. I will pay my union dues again when they are due. I get way more from this site and IPIU then just assignments and training. I get knowledge, professionalism, encouragement and friends.

    And that, my friend, is Priceless!!!
    Melissa Fisher
    Badge #10978

  4. #4
    Misty Raucci--'s Avatar
    Misty Raucci-- is offline Private Investigator Forum Member

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    Ok then. Since you don't want to PAY for advice on becoming a PI, let me give you two FREE helpful hints-

    1 - NEVER, EVER assume anything! Do your research, wait until all the FACTS are in and do not jump to conclusions.


    2- Try to refrain from putting your face ALL over the internet: This may compromise any future undercover operations. Discretion, discretion, discretion... (even if it means giving up your modeling contract with!)

    Hope these help you in your endeavor to become a PI.

    Oh, and by the way, if you DON'T like the taste of your foot -and, I can tell by your picture, you don't- try not to keep sticking it in your mouth

  5. #5
    Misty Raucci--'s Avatar
    Misty Raucci-- is offline Private Investigator Forum Member

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    New York
    P.S. That last tip was free too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Does IPIU receive a fee to refer jobs to it's union members?

    George if you want amazement, join IPIU. You will learn lots of different topics even if it is something you already know. Im sure someone will have something to say that you did not know, so you can learn and grow here. It is not just putting away money that you don't see but it is the same as if you were going to school. School cost a lot more just for you to learn so why not take advantage of something that is better. You learn skills, trades, tactics, and friends that can help.

  7. #7

    Re: Does IPIU receive a fee to refer jobs to it's union members?

    I am a guest member to IPIU and so far I really enjoy the forums that are being discussed. I am a prior LEO and now own my own private detective business in Massachusetts. I have not joined IPIU but I will be joining on Monday. I think the fees are low for the type of information a person can receive in this format. The "jobs", and I may be wrong, are to assist novice and experianced P.I.'s learn new or improve thier skills. I look forward to speaking with and writing in these excellent forums.

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