FRAUDLENT EMAILS: Paypal, Yahoo, Ebay, IPIU, Others:

Warning, you may be receiving forged emails stating your accounts have been suspended, cancelled, or need verification.

These emails LOOK OFFICIAL, but they are not.

IPIU emails do NOT contain any Attachments. We do NOT ask you to open an Attachement in the email or to "colick" on an Attachment. At most, we will email some members web links to our forum site, but again - we do NOT email any Attachments.

If IPIU emails you a web link, place the mouse oover the link WITHOUT CLICKING ON IT and see if it is located somewhere at our root web sites, such as www.ipiu.org , www.ipiu.org/forums, or our ecommerce site at www.privateinvestigators.cc

In other form emails, such as PayPal, by placing your mouse over the email web link that these emails ask you to click on, you will see their phony web addresses, which sometimes have an official name attached to a numeric phony web site. DO NOT CLICK on the email link.

If you want to verify if your account has been cancelled or suspended, then LOG IN AT THE REGULAR ACCOUNT SITE ONLY. (Or, if it is related to IPIU - then privately email usa@ipiu.org to verify)

Other home pages of other web sites that have been hot with forged emails include:



