Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please press the Agree button at the end of the page. Note: By pressing the button you declare that you are over the age of 13. If you are 13 or under, please use this registration form.

Although the administrators and moderators of Private Investigator Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Private Investigator Forums or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of Private Investigator Forums have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

In order to be able to post messages on the Private Investigator Forums forums, you must first register.

You may spend 2 minutes on this one page to test your skills as a private investigator, and to prove that you know how to follow written instructions!

If you succeed, you will be awarded a special User Name and Password good for over 15 forums. And then later, you will be invited to access several confidential forums where inside strategies, training, and assignments take place.

(If you fail to follow these instructions, your User Name and Password will be deleted by Technical Support)

So please take your time . . . and complete your first assignment perfectly!

Before submitting your free forum membership application, you must agree to our Forum Rules: Click here. If you agree, simply proceed with this application.

Advertising Rules:
After you register, you are free to post topics and replies to other forum members. However, if you advertise yourself in any manner (such as posting your telephone number and business name) then you must either be a union member of IPIU or you must first email Business Support at your company information. If a problem arises later between a business and a client, we need to have the company information available to us to help resolve the conflict.

You MUST have an Email Address to Proceed:
After you register, your password will only be activated if you have a valid email address. Make sure your email address is NOT shared by anyone else outside of your immediate family. If you wish to obtain a FREE email address, FIRST go to and sign up for your own personal email that we will use to send your password to. Then return to this registration page later to complete your application for a free User Name and password.

Because most website forum members are also private investigator members of the International Private Investigators Union, we required you to register using your legal name as it may appear on your identification. Remember, this is a private forum website and your name will not be used for any other purposes by the Private Investigators Forum other than to allow you to participate in the discussions, topics, training, and assignments.

When choosing your free User Name, please type it as you would on your typewriter (with proper spacing and capitalization), and choose from the following User Name Examples of what to use, and what NOT to use when completing this registration page.

Examples for choosing your Forum "User Name":
As an example, if your real name were “Stephanie Marie Randall”, you could sign up as:

Stephanie Randall
Stephanie Marie Randall
Stephanie M. Randall
Stephanie M Randall (with no period after the middle initial)
Ms. Stephanie Marie Randall (Ms. or Mrs. for women, or Mr. for men)
Ms. Stephanie Marie Randall
Ms. Stephanie M. Randall
Ms. Stephanie Randall
Ms Stephanie Randall (without period after Ms)
Ms Stephanie M. Randall
Ms Stephanie M Randall (without the period after Ms or the middle initial)
Ms Stephanie Marie Randall

If you find someone else is using your name, please send an email to for help. In most cases, you can choose your User Name using a combination of middle name, middle name initial, or the addition or lack of periods.

You may NOT choose a User Name such as:
stephanie randall (we do not permit all lower case User Names)
Stephanierandall (we do not permit two names running together)
STEPHANIE RANDALL (we do not permit all capital letters in a User Name)
STEPHANIERANDALL (we do not permit two names running together with all caps)
Stephanie (we always require a last real name)
M. Randall (we always require a first real name)
Stephanie Randall386 (we do not permit numbers in User Names)
Randall (we do not allow last names only)

Nicknames are NOT allowed, such as:
PrivateEye Fanatic
As with the other forum rules, signing up with a real name is very important to us to help keep our board on a personal and professional level. Please respect our request to register with a real first and last name as outlined in the samples above. If you cannot or will not do this, you will not be allowed to post to this forum.

You MAY sign a Nick Name in your individual letters, posts, and replies on the forum each time, or add a nick name to your "signature file" below. (If you need help with the signature file, email our Technical Support and they will get you set up).

Please take the time to read our Forum FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for answers to most of your questions on the link at the top of each forum page. Or, send an email to for free tutorial links.

Note: All of the information provided on this page (with the exception of your password) will be viewable by other forum members. Thus, if you don't feel comfortable about completing certain fields, just leave them blank. Or, return later to your personal User Control Panel (User CP located at the top of each forum page) to make any changes you wish to add or delete.

Thanks for choosing us as your Private Investigator Forum!

To proceed to the Online Application,
Click Here: Application Link